Originally posted by DA Morgan:

Well stand me on my head and tell me its the South Pole.

dehammer ... let me break this to you gently ... ice does NOT retreat during an ice age.
let me break this to you gently too. there are two parts of ice ages. glaciation and interglaciaral. in the first the ice grows or becomes stagnate, while in the second, it retreats. we are in a interglaciarial period which has lasted for 14000 years with a few minor interuptions, some matter of months, others for decades. in other words we are in an ice age, but in the warming part.

im actually a college grad although it has been many years since i went to college. i understand a lot about science, and one of the things i learned early, which you should have been taught, is that all science are in some way or other interrelated. unfortunately many of the ppl that write those papers you choise to read, dont want others to beleive that any science but their own is important enought to be considered.

to quote soilsguy's site "During most of the last 1 billion years the earth had no permanent ice."

this is what ive been attempting to point out and this IS a science site. not just one of your scaremonger sites.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.