Tunguska and tectoic plate movement, and pole reversal are theories that are worth looking into..

DA Morgan.. you have lots of opinions, and no basis of facts, for if you do, your not posting them, where we can see them, I see you posting threads, and running around telling people your THOUGHTS but your just parroting party lines, and little else.. who is the provider of your "factual statements".. tell me the studies, who did them? where I can find this proof you offer up?, were can I read how the studies where done? that is called backing it up.. or should everyone just take your word for it you know what you are talking about and we dont?

Simple FACT, Weather, in and of itself, is a chaotic non-linear dynamical system, why do you think it is anything but?

Over the last 600 million years, carbon doxide concentrations have varied from 5000 ppm to less than 200 ppm, due primarily to the impact of geologicalprocesses and biological innovations. It has been argued (Veizer 1999) that variations in greenhouse gas concentrations over tens of millions of years have not been well correlated to climate change,with perhaps plate tectonics playing a more dominant role.

And thanx, but I am pretty sure most of us have already heard the chicken littles running around telling us we are all doomed unless we stop.. but thanx anyways.

NEVER Underestimate the power of stupidity!