DA Morgan wrote

There is no such thing as normal.

what i refer to as normal is that point where the tempature where the amount of energy the earth recieves is equal to the amount of energy it radiates at night + the amount of energy that it reflects, etc during the day. currently the amount of energy we recieve is greater than the amount we radiate and reflect, causing the ice to melt. as long as the ice is there the earth cant reach that point.

there are several ballace points to considere. one is the amount of co2 that is put into the air vs the amount that rain fall cause to fall out. the second is the amount of sulfer dioxide ice crystals that are in the upper atmosphere. all valcanos put out a percentage of sulpher dioxide. it reacts with water to form sulpheric acid ice, which reflects the light much more than anything but ice, but because of the temperture of the upper atmospher remains constant it does not melt. it can only fallout but that takes as long as thirty years. during this time it cuts the tempature the lower altitude recieves. the more there is, the more the tempature drops.

the third is how much heat reaches the serface, how much is reflected and absorbed and how much is radiated. the amount that reaches the upper altitude is relatively the same, with some minor variation, year to year. the first two have some effect on the third, but it mostly stands on its own.

green house gasses do radiate and reflect the heat back towards the serface, but there is only so much co2 on the earth and that has never changed.

scaremongers tell how much damage to the earth, the co2 released by the industrial revolution has done, but the thing is, that co2 came from the atmosphere in the first place. how is returning it to where it came from harming the earth. the reason that that co2 is out of the atmosphere is that the plants that were made of it, got buried at the begining of the ice age. the major way the earth gets rid of co2 is though the oceans. eventually it will reach the bottom of the ocean where it will be returned to the lava center and then returned to the atmosphere by valcanos once again.

the only things damaged is the easy life humans have had for the last 20000 years, as the tempature climbs above what we are confortable. If that happens, we will have to evolve or be replaced. we cant control what happens with the atmosphere yet.

and yes i do understand science. I am one of the few appearantly that does not focus on one area of it to the exclusion of all others. that allows me to see the fallacy of saying how things are going to be ruined and to see patterns that others refuse to see.

an example is the fact that ppl that study ice ages cant seem to figure what cause them, they if they would ask volcanoist (what ever they are called), about what happen at the begining of thise ice ages, and what happen at the time of each of the extensions of them the mystery would be solved.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.