RicS wrote:
"If I got personal I could do exactly the same thing and attack your credibility."

And you'd be absolutely correct if I was expressing a personal opinion and no so labelling it. But as I recall I posted something expressing the opinions of experts in the field.

RicS wrote:
"It may be that the data is perfectly accurate but it certainly deserves to be scrutinised."

No disgreement from me here.

RicS wrote:
"Please tell me how else you determine whether the earth temperature has been rising? It is my opinion you have to look at accurate historic temperature measurements. If you disagree with that logic, please inform me where my logic is flawed."

I agree. The determination has been made through numerous methods. Some that involve historical temperature records. Some that involve historical records of ice coverage. Some that involve satellite data. But the most critical, IMO, is the change in the temperature and salinity of the oceans.

If you are looking for the research work it has been published in peer reviewed journals, including Science, and there are a huge number of web references easily found with Google.
Use the following criterion:
"Water temperature" and "Global Warming"

Enter "Daniel Morgan"
Press [Search]
I am rather easy to find.

DA Morgan