Defending my Notion of Black Hole Communication:- Things communicate when common understanding is reached. This logic comes from Mathematics.Maths doesnt allow its own violation in objects created by its own rules.. There is always a way to commincate with any Natural body.Which means anything can be probed over a period of time.. Experiment and The Truth seekers are independent .... Experiment always gives the true picture and Truth Seekers use democracy or autocracy or logic(self) to reach a defintion or reality... And not everyone will agree that pigs fly... tomorrow the pigs may indeed fly after enough engineering (when dinos can fly why cant pigs?????)
Infinite possibilities are closely bounded by discovered laws.There are very few laws which actually change over a short period. The planck constant may also have evolved as an experssion of dimensional evolution.But once you enter a chosen Universe it becomes very diffuclt to vary it.Got it. Dont worry about infinite possibilities.Everything is not allowed to be realized beyond thought!!!
Thats religiously satisfying.