dvk ... I'm not sure how deep your thinking is about thought ... as I can't think of any empirical evidence that supports any of your statements.
REP: These are logical conclusions and as I said the discussion may not belong to the known Physics.Imagine a No-Thought world.We will all be left with reflexes only.There will nothing to be observed or can be observed(Physics is all about observation or at least some concept.. concept is also a thought).The known reflexes can account for the existence of Universe without the thought and can also predict the evolution of Physical Laws..What is a Law today was once not a law at all.It was learnt over a period of time. This supports the followers of Science as it makes the Universe ordinary. There were no laws and all laws came into existence only after Universe went through the various cirumstances in its evolution.There was always a learning thought(concious) and a known Law(reflexive without any awareness).
I think Physics should also discover this fact as they move back in time or go deep into the matter where things actually take birth.
Self Awareness - is a recursive process??
What do you understand by Self Awareness?