Without life, without higher forms of life, there is no thought. The world of a snail consists of the leaf it is eating and the problem of how to get to the next leaf. If that is your criteria of thinking, you should consider why that idea is considered to be rather out of line with other scientists. When one's ideas slide past the limits of normal we tend to be regarded as strange or schizophrenic, depending on how far and fast we slide. I'd guess you're proobably in line with your cultural norms, seeing as how you speak of bringing the rain god home and such things as that. Science does no homage to gods, no matter how many there are believed to be. Science studies physical phenomena and predicts rain based on scientific principles. All your prayers and entreaties cannot change what will happen, nor change what has happened. The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on. Have the wit to read what it says and act accordingly.