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#10776 12/24/05 04:02 PM
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bradp Offline OP
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I think It is very hard to now prove beyond doubt he was a fraud but is that not what you guys are good at not proving your theories.Hawkins has cast his doubts strongly along with Paul Dirac and many others(nobel prize winners) Why does the sientific world still talk about Einsteins theories? Its a name, a reference, even though we know he did nothing new and are now known to be incorrect.I dont question anyone esle, not Not Plank not Maxwell even though most of the work was done by Newton and Galileo. I have nothing against the guy

#10777 12/24/05 05:51 PM
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Hello again Bradp:

I noticed you're stuff on the Moon landing topic and I see you continue in the same style here. You call Einstein a fraud and st the same time say you have nothing against him! If you could prove him to ba a fraud then you should have something against him as we would against all frauds. Please advise exactly where Hawkins made suggestions or claims that Einstein was less than honest. Your generalized accusations will not convince any one I know.

#10778 12/24/05 06:12 PM
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I will gladly look that up for you.Are you telling me you have never heard other sientist not only doubt but call him a fraud I suggest you look at what alot of the nobel prize winners think about a fellow working in a patent office with no sientific back ground and not giving any references and publishing his papers in his wifes name(1905fact) and then still continue to go in for work for another 4 years as a clerk(low Level) also failed entrence exam 1895(Facttech.High school Zurich) I suggest you

#10779 12/24/05 06:29 PM
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check opinions Paul Dirac( a true genius) Hawkins,Plank(his friend for a short time. wifes were good friends) Lorentz(sued 1905 3x) Poincare.)1905 1906
Johannes Stark(nobel) I could go on and on I suggest you look into to this and form you own opinion because proof will be hard to find.Einstein himself blames the first world war for the loss of any school records in Zurich(strange didnt no Switseland had been in a war.I also suggest you look at Max Plank?s speach at nobel prize

#10780 12/24/05 09:20 PM
How about some references or links to support your contentions? So far all I see is your opinion of something I don't have available to me. Bring on the links and let us judge them for ourselves.

#10781 12/24/05 09:46 PM
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I will point out in depth after the holidays how and where.I went to Munchen,Zurich and Bern and there is plenty to find if your eyes are open.Stay away from books and just look at records(period 1890 to 1917) I know some will say the nazis stole, changed records but that is not true.You can see who Einstein sat next to at school. Its Switzerland not nazi germany.

#10782 12/24/05 09:52 PM
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Originally posted by bradp:
I will point out in depth after the holidays how and where.I went to Munchen,Zurich and Bern and there is plenty to find if your eyes are open.Stay away from books and just look at records(period 1890 to 1917) I know some will say the nazis stole, changed records but that is not true.You can see who Einstein sat next to at school. Its Switzerland not nazi germany.
The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function - Einstein(just joking)

#10784 12/25/05 07:58 PM
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I went looking for items as you suggested and found none. I did find:
This lauds Einstein's stuff. I do not claim to understand the stuff but others see it as very noteworthy. I still prefer Isaac Newton myself.

Subject: NOVA Online/Einstein Revealed/Genius (Levenson Essay) Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 11:24:38 -0800

There is a parlor game physics students play: Who was the greater genius? Galileo or Kepler? (Galileo) Maxwell or Bohr? (Maxwell, but it's closer than you might think). Hawking or Heisenberg? (A no-brainer, whatever the best-seller lists might say. It's Heisenberg). But there are two figures who are simply off the charts. Isaac Newton is one. The other is Albert Einstein. If pressed, physicists give Newton pride of place, but it is a photo finish -- and no one else is in the race.

Newton's claim is obvious. He created modern physics. His system described the behavior of the entire cosmos -- and while others before him had invented grand schemes, Newton's was different. His theories were mathematical, making specific predictions to be confirmed by experiments in the real world. Little wonder that those after Newton called him lucky -- "for there is only one universe to discover, and he discovered it. "

But what of Einstein? Well, Einstein felt compelled to apologize to Newton. "Newton, forgive me;" Einstein wrote in his Autobiographical Notes. "You found the only way which, in your age, was just about possible for a man of highest thought and creative power." Forgive him? For what? For replacing Newton's system with his own -- and, like Newton, for putting his mark on virtually every branch of physics.

That's the difference. Young physicists who play the "who's smarter" game are really asking, "how will I measure up?" Is there a shot to match -- if not Maxwell, then perhaps Lorentz? But Einstein? Don't go there. Match this:

* In 1905, Einstein is 26, a patent examiner, working on physics on his own. After hours, he creates the Special Theory of Relativity, in which he demonstrates that measurements of time and distance vary systematically as anything moves relative to anything else. Which means that Newton was wrong. Space and time are not absolute -- and the relativistic universe we inhabit is not the one Newton "discovered."

That's pretty good -- but one idea, however spectacular, does not make a demi-god. But now add the rest of what Einstein did in 1905:

* In March, Einstein creates the quantum theory of light, the idea that light exists as tiny packets, or particles, that we now call photons. Alongside Max Planck's work on quanta of heat, and Niels Bohr's later work on quanta of matter, Einstein's work anchors the most shocking idea in twentieth century physics: we live in a quantum universe, one built out of tiny, discrete chunks of energy and matter.

* Next, in April and May, Einstein publishes two papers. In one he invents a new method of counting and determining the size of the atoms or molecules in a given space and in the other he explains the phenomenon of Brownian motion. The net result is a proof that atoms actually exist -- still an issue at that time -- and the end to a millennia-old debate on the fundamental nature of the chemical elements.

* And then, in June, Einstein completes special relativity -- which adds a twist to the story: Einstein's March paper treated light as particles, but special relativity sees light as a continuous field of waves. Alice's Red Queen can accept many impossible things before breakfast, but it takes a supremely confident mind to do so. Einstein, age 26, sees light as wave and particle, picking the attribute he needs to confront each problem in turn. Now that's tough.

* And of course, Einstein isn't finished. Later in 1905 comes an extension of special relativity in which Einstein proves that energy and matter are linked in the most famous relationship in physics: E=mc2. (The energy content of a body is equal to the mass of the body times the speed of light squared). At first, even Einstein does not grasp the full implications of his formula, but even then he suggests that the heat produced by radium could mark the conversion of tiny amounts of the mass of the radium salts into energy.

In sum -- an amazing outburst: Einstein's 1905 still evokes awe. Historians call it the annus mirabilis, the miracle year. Einstein ranges from the smallest scale to the largest (for special relativity is embodied in all motion throughout the universe), through fundamental problems about the nature of energy, matter, motion, time and space--all the while putting in forty hours a week at the patent office.

I will look some more, your claims look faulty so far.

#10785 12/26/05 12:18 PM
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"check opinions Paul Dirac( a true genius) Hawkins,Plank(his friend for a short time. wifes were good friends) Lorentz(sued 1905 3x) Poincare.)1905 1906
Johannes Stark(nobel) I could go on and on I suggest you look into to this and form you own opinion because proof will be hard to find.Einstein himself blames the first world war for the loss of any school records in Zurich(strange didnt no Switseland had been in a war.I also suggest you look at Max Plank?s speach at nobel prize"

This is the kind of post I find irritating. No idea what I'm supposed to be looking for in Planck's nobel lecture. No idea what sort of inference I'm expected to derive or why I should derive that view.

Assertions are not evidence.
Innuendo is reasoning.

#10786 12/26/05 05:31 PM
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I suggest you take anything you find published by nazis the same way as anything you find written by Jews

#10787 12/26/05 05:52 PM
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Most of these stories all have the same sorce either John Stachel director of the centre of Einstein studies at Boston Uni. or the Hebrew Uni of Jerusalem. I suggesst you do what Einstein said he did with Planks theory,turn it around and look at where he lived and when.If these other people, schools,letters or theories coincide with time, place ect.. and then compare to Einsteins Archives. You will be suprised at the ********(sorry) out there.

#10788 12/26/05 06:13 PM
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Jerusalem Uni " Einstein was so dissappointed at the age of 17 he gave up his German nationality and took up Swiss Nationality" ok "17" he was born in Ulm 1879 march 14 so thats 1896 correct??
He got his Swiss nationality 1901 same source(fact) So he lived for around five years with no passport(18 onths in Italy) Hello!!!! This next is the best one. His uncle Jakov made him a genius by giving young Albert examples of what X or Y could be.Did Einstein have a uncle called Jakov?? the answer is yes did he live anywhere near young Albert?? the answer is no. Jakov is regersted as working and living in Kiel From 1882 to 1898 and kiel is more than 1000km from Munchen. There is so much of this crap out there

#10789 12/26/05 06:30 PM
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Why have I been sensored???????

#10790 12/26/05 06:32 PM
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I gave G.W.Bush as example?????

#10791 12/26/05 06:46 PM
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Ok I see whats going on. good bye everyone

#10792 12/26/05 09:16 PM
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A serious study of science still shows that Einstein was an individual thinker. He caused a paradigm shift, like Newton, which we sincerely needed. The time has come for another paradigm shift. Why are original thinkers routinely crucified? I suppose it is because there are so many idiots around that claim that they have the the "final solution". On the other hand, do not ignore them, God likes them! He created more of them than anybody else!

#10793 12/28/05 02:20 AM
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2005 you are wright Johnny Boy
1905 there were so many original thinkers around and only one "idiot" with the "final solution"
I dont doubt the theories I doubt the man

#10794 12/28/05 08:55 AM
I hope that idiot you were calling is me.
As you will doubt me because I belong to different culture.
Isnt it true?
Say it come on.
But why ... even I dont mind smoking.

#10795 12/28/05 10:57 AM
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I think you are very original, dkv and I dont really think anyone is an idiot.
I didnt know there was another culture.
Original is a complement!!!

#10797 12/29/05 08:04 AM
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Originally posted by bradp:
His uncle Jakov made him a genius by giving young Albert examples of what X or Y could be.

you are so jelous of smart Jews, that you are inferior to the stupid ones. Do not spit on yourself.

e laugh s

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