Isn't it interesting, how people who met with new idea will start to deny it immediatelly - rather then to think about it? Even proponents of evolution will start to behave like religious oponents of Darwin in this moment.>>

I hope English is your second language.

My model od life evolution doesn't depend on aerobic atmosphere, gold, granite or White Cliffs of Dover. They're simply irrelevant to it. On the other hand, things like granite or gold doesn't depend on existence of life. They're apparent formed by inorganic crystals.>>

Well, you're right about granite, but then a broken clock is right twice a day. Your model depends on a magic shield against UV radiation, ballistic rain drops, and the almost constant bombardment from the remnants of the early solar system. If you want to be taken seriously deal with these problems ... or come up with another theory.

Once again, how did you came into it? >>

The first time you wrote this 'came to it' stuff I thought it a typo ... now I think it's brain damage, or you've yet to perfect English.

Granite is an igneous rock, formed from the cooling of magma, and is nothing to do with life. It is purely an inorganic process. Limestone, yes, it is formed by the compression of shells and other living things that make calcium carbonate skeletons in the sea.>>

Rose, you and people like you are why I post my ideas. I should know granite is igneous rock. Thanks for the needed slap back to reality. I could swear I read it was like Limestone and the White Cliffs of Dover, but I can't find it to save my life. It's embarrassing to be so completely wrong. Thanks.

Make sure you know what you are talking about before committing it to the screen. >>

Good advice. Oh, this is yours ... right?

"Lots of things have a tell tale spectral fingerprint in the UV spectrum.>>

Name some.

That does not mean you can produce neutrons by irradiating them with UV. If that were possible, all we would have to do to gain fuel for nuclear reactors would be to UV irradiate some stuff and get neutrons in the nuclei to make a radioactive material.

*Make sure you know what you are talking about before committing it to the screen